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Six easy methods to get water out of the ear


Six easy methods to get water out of the earboy putting in earplugs in swimming pool

Here are a number of ways in which people can safely remove water that is trapped in their ears.

1.Tugging or jiggling the earlobe while tilting the head down toward the shoulder. A person could also try shaking their head from side to side.

2.Creating a vacuum by tilting the head sideways and keeping a palm tightly cupped over the ear might help. By rapidly flattening and cupping the hand against the ear, a vacuum will be created that might pull the water out.

3.Applying a warm compress to the ear. The person should leave the compress in place for about 30 seconds, remove it for a minute, and then repeat four or five times. Lying down on the affected side of the body may also help the water to drain.

4.Evaporating the trapped water in the ear using a blow dryer. A person should set the blow dryer to its lowest setting and hold it about 1 foot away from the ear. By tugging the earlobe down while moving the dryer in a back-and-forth motion, the heat from the dryer may evaporate the trapped water.

5.Combining half alcohol and half vinegar in ear drops may be effective if these other remedies do not work. The alcohol helps evaporate the water, while the vinegar may help prevent bacteria from growing. Using a sterile dropper, a person should put 3 or 4 drops of the solution into their ear. After 30 seconds, they should tilt their head sideways to allow the solution to drain out.

6.Diluting hydrogen peroxide ear drops with water. Again, a person should use 3-4 drops of the solution. After 2-3 minutes, they should tilt the affected side of the head, which will allow the fluid to drain out.

A person can make a warm compress by soaking a washcloth in warm water, wringing it out so that it does not drip, and holding it against the affected ear while tilting the head downward.

No one should use either of the methods that involve ear drops if they already have an ear infection, a punctured eardrum, or ear tubes.

Why is it important to get water out of the ear?

If water is trapped in the ear for too long, a person may develop an infection. The infection is generally caused by bacteria that are found in polluted water.

Ear exam

If an infection is suspected or a person has hearing difficulties, a doctor should be seen.

People are more at risk of swimmer's ear if they swim in water that contains high levels of bacteria, such as a lake. Swimming pools are generally safer as the bacteria and pH levels are usually checked regularly.

The risk of developing swimmer's ear also increases for people who already have a chronic skin condition of the ear, such as psoriasis or eczema.

The ear has several defense mechanisms to protect against infections, but if these defenses are overwhelmed then infection can occur. The following can create conditions that promote infection:

*Excess moisture in the ear

*Scratches or cuts in the ear canal

*Allergies to hair products or jewelry

When to see a doctor

A doctor should be consulted if the problem persists for several days. It is particularly important to do so if the ear becomes painful and inflamed as it may be infected. Ear infections can be serious if not treated, as they can lead to hearing loss or damage to cartilage and bone.

If the pain is severe or a fever is present, a person should consult a doctor immediately.

It may be necessary to consult an ear specialist if:

An ear infection has not gone away 10-14 days after using antibiotic ear drops

The person has lost their hearing

The infections persistently reoccur

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also recommend that a person should not attempt to remove earwax from their ears, as it is the earwax that helps to protect the ear from infection. Anyone who thinks that their ear canal is blocked by wax should consult a doctor.
